The M-Powered Tots and M-Powered Kids programs are sequential, foundational classes created to indoctrinate essential self-awareness and self-regulation skills at a young age, that will last a lifetime!
The M-powered Tots and M-Powered Kids programs were designed by Michele Slaght to build STRONG MINDS and STRONG BODIES in kids ages 3-12. This SEL-based, foundational class features developmental themes in a fun, interactive format that develops the building blocks of character and resilience through The 3 M’s, which are Mindfulness, Meditation, and Movement (yoga).
Each 30-60 minute class offers a mind/body curriculum that follows a 4-step format:
1. every class starts with a themed story customized to the age and maturity level of the class to introduce the theme, followed by a discussion to further integrate theme comprehension. Throughout the class, the class is led to practice Mindfulness, or body awareness, in the current moment.
2. After the story and discussion, the class is led through a yoga asana (Movement!) that is set to the storyline to further reinforce the theme, that also follows the Asana Arc for yoga as outlined by the National Yoga Alliance.
3. Next, the class is led in a song and dance session (MUSIC PLUS MORE MOVEMENT!) and obstacle course to further reinforce the theme with right/left brain integration of the THEME AND LESSON.
4. Finally, the class ends with a brief Meditation written to conclude the class with an action statement to take with them and practice moving forward.
The M-Powered Tots program is for preschoolers ages 3-5,
the M-Powered Kids program is for kids ages 6-12.
The M-Powered programs will empower your Youngsters with important social and emotional skills, while learning Mindfulness, Meditation and Movement that is geared just for them! every class is engaging and curriculum is original!

The M-Powered Mind classes are designed for teens and adults who want to learn to connect with self in order to manage stress and overcome whatever may be holding you back emotionally. The M-Powered Mind Classes combine hatha yoga with mindfulness, meditation, inspirational reading materials, Eden Energy Medicine, Reflexology and Chi-Gong, as well as Art Therapy projects approved by a licensed art therapist and personal journaling, and optional participation in group discussions. This is a "no pressure" class, all you need is a desire to learn and expand your consciousness. Class is suitable for exercise beginners through advanced fitness levels, perfect for ages 13 and up.